Pembroke, ON
Ottawa Valley Community Foundation Announces Sport 4 All Funding

In collaboration with the County of Renfrew, the Ottawa Valley Community Foundation (OVCF), previously known as the Pembroke Petawawa District Community Foundation, is excited to announce a new funding stream to support youth sport across Renfrew County, the Sport 4 All Fund.
The remarkably successful 2023 Ontario Winter Games, hosted by the County of Renfrew, produced a surplus of legacy funds intended to foster youth sport, athletics, and inclusion. The Sport 4 All funds of $375,000 will be distributed over the next three years, from 2025 to 2028 sport seasons.
“We selected the Ottawa Valley Community Foundation to distribute these funds to young people, sports clubs and municipal sports facilities across Renfrew County, based on their long and successful track record of supporting residents, community groups and charities,” states Peter Emon, County of Renfrew Warden, and Chair of the Ontario Winter Games Organizing Committee
There are three streams of Sport 4 All funding. The Individual Youth Sports stream supports challenged youth up to 21 years of age to assist with equipment purchase, registration fees and travel costs, to a maximum of $1,500. The Sports Club Stream will support club improvements, renovations, and equipment repairs and purchase to a maximum of $5,000. The Major Sports Infrastructure stream will support new construction and infrastructure improvements to existing municipal sports facilities that will enhance accessibility, ensure increased participation, and create new options for sports activities. The maximum contribution for this stream is $10,000.
Alongside the new Sport 4 All Fund, the Ottawa Valley Community Foundation will be granting at least $20,000 from its General and Bereavement Funds. The General Grant is used to support needs in the community and the Bereavement Grant is used in connection with the community’s bereavement initiatives.
“We are excited once again this year to provide grants to meet the community’s greatest needs," says Matt Bradley, Chair of the Ottawa Valley Community Foundation.
These grants are made possible through the investment of funds which earn interest throughout the year. The principal of these funds is not touched, so that every year they can continue to generate grants for the community. Individuals who have endowment funds with the Foundation also have the opportunity to direct their funds to assist with specific community causes.
Sport 4 All Fund, General Fund and the Bereavement fund applications will open on Monday, February 3, 2025, and the deadline for applications is Friday, March 14, 2025 at 4 p.m. Successful applicants will be notified beginning Monday, April 14, 2025. This round of Sport 4 All funds will support sports activities and investments in the 2025/2026 season.
“This is an exciting opportunity for the Ottawa Valley Community Foundation. In collaboration with all the municipalities of Renfrew County we will serve a broader and more diverse segment of our community enhancing youth participation in sports, inclusion, health, and wellness,” adds Mr. Bradley.
The Ottawa Valley Community Foundation is a public foundation which benefits the community by providing funds to charities, local groups and organizations that are also registered under the Income Tax Act. It is one of more than 191 Community Foundations in Canada. The Foundation was established in 2008 and has a mandate to invest and manage charitable funds for projects, causes and other community organizations. Proceeds are distributed to meet the community’s greatest needs.
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