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Birthday Party Packages

PosterWe offer two types of birthday party packages which include food, drinks, and space to accommodate your guests. Packages are available for 10 or 20 guests.


10 participants: $185 (taxes included)
20 participants: $280 (taxes included)

Mini-Putt Package (Available June to September):

  • Use of the Kinhut table area for 3 hours (or Lounge during inclement weather)
  • Pizza
  • Drinks
  • Cake
  • Utensils
  • Mini-putt passes

Public Skating Package - Sundays Only (Available October to March):

  • Use of the Lounge for 3 hours before or after the public skate (10 am to 1pm or 2pm to 5pm)
  • Pizza
  • Drinks
  • Cake
  • Utensils
  • Public skating passes

Additional Information: 

All packages include set-up of tables and chairs. Any decorating must be done during the allocated 3 hours and we kindly ask that only painter's tape is used for any decorating items to prevent damage to the paint and walls of our rooms. All supplies must be brought with you and cleaned up and removed by you before departure.

No staff is included in any of the above package fees for any child supervision or any other related services.

To Book: 

Submit an online request form (subject to availability) or contact us at: 

Phone: 613-687-5678 ext 2101