Splash Pad

photo of a small child playing under the water sprays at the splash pad


Hours of operation:  8:00 am to 8:00 pm from June to September. The Splash Pad will close if the weather forecast includes heavy rain and/or thunderstorms. It closes for the season on the third weekend in September. However, if we have an unusually warm fall we may try to keep it open longer until about Thanksgiving weekend.
During the open season, please check our Closures and Cancellations page for updates.

Requests for use by schools or large groups should be directed to the Community Services Department at bookings@petawawa.ca or 613-687-5678 ext. 2101.

Please read and adhere to the Splash Pad's Rules of Use in addition to all COVID-19 guidelines.

For further information:
Email: tmarcotte@petawawa.ca
Phone: 613-687-5678 ext. 2104