Santa Dash 2023 - Dashing for a Good Cause!

Join us as we kick off the 2023 Petawawa Santa Clause Parade with a Holly Jolly gaggle of Santas clearing the way for the parade floats, participants and the man of the hour. The Santa Dash will begin 5 minutes before parade start as The Petawawa Plaza. Dashers will travel along Mohns Avenue, to Doran Road, Herman Street, Murphy Road, Civic Centre Road, Volunteer Way, Dundonal Drive, Sherman Avenue and returning to the Plaza along Wolfe Avenue.

You are invited to return to the Civic Centre to watch the conclusion of the Santa Clause Parade and attend the Town Christmas Tree Lighting and Walk of Lights. 

100% of the funds raised will be donated to the Petawawa Pantry.

Your Registration includes a Santa Suit for you to run in to add to the festive spirit. 

Run Check-in and Santa Suit pickup will happen at: Gear Heads, 3067 Petawawa Blvs, from 2-4pm on Saturday December 2nd, 2023 or from 6 pm at the Petawawa Plaza before Santa says "HO HO GO!"

Dashers are encouraged to bring bells and Jingle All the Way to the Finish Line!

To register: