Claim Your Listing (businesses) - Shop Petawawa

How can businesses claim their Shop Petawawa listing, join and add promotions?

Most of the commercial businesses and some of the more recently registered home businesses have a listing already on the ShopPetawawa site.  We pre-populated some of the data fields with publicly sourced information.  There remains however, a number of fields, where businesses can provide additional information and links to make their listing more dynamic.

One such field is to identify if the business is military or veteran owned or woman owned, or both.  By claiming your listing and identifying this information a yellow ribbon a W, or both, will appear next to your business name.  

Providing a business description of your services is a key addition to make the site more content rich and your page more searchable on Google.

Claim an existing business already on Shop Petawawa

If you see you have a business listing, that you did not put it there and you are the person authorized by the business to manage it, then you will need to send an email to the site administrators with an email you wish to receive a password reset notification sent to.  This email will serve as your email log in.  You will also have to provide a first and last name. The site administrator will communicate with you by return email and set up a process for you to claim your listing.

Join Shop Petawawa

If you do not see your business, either commercial or home based, as you navigate the categories, bringing up associated Petawawa businesses in those categories, then you will need to join.

To join, simply log into the ShopPetawawa site and select the Join option.  A questionnaire form will appear.  Complete this form to gain access.  Your email and password will be set for the site in a first step and then you will be permitted to complete all the business information as a second step.  Once you select to publish, notification will go to the site administrator who will then review and approve the information. This will make the listing go live.

Note: Businesses must operate from a registered commercial or home location in the geographic area of Petawawa to be eligible to be included on this site. Only hand made, artisanal craft product businesses, operating out of Petawawa residences will be approved.  Businesses that operate under a home party model will not be approved at this time.

Add Promotions

Once you have either "Claimed your Business" or "Joined" Shop Petawawa then you can add promotions to your listing which will appear on the site and ideally draw customers direct to your shopping platforms.

To add promotions please refer to the attached file, in our file section, which provides step by step set of instructions.  

When in Doubt

Please contact Christine Mitchell, Economic Development Officer for Petawawa, who will be able to assist you.  You can call her at 613-687-5536 ext 2021.

You may also wish to refer to this summary document.

We look forward to working with you to make this site as dynamic, a go-to resource for the shopping public creating awareness and ultimately drive sales for our local businesses!