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1959 Petawawa Blvd. (Commercial space for Lease)

Image of the property 1959 Petawawa Blvd.The building at 1959 Petawawa Blvd. has a 2,800 sq ft. space available for lease.  The property is in excellent condition with a large showroom front area, a small office and a back area for storage and product inventory.  The property is located along Petawawa Blvd. the busiest street in the County and has ample parking. Owners are looking for long-term retail interests.

Zone: Commercial (not Industrial)
Contact: Bill Healy 613-732-7773
Interested purchasers should check with the local municipality in advance of leasing to ensure that any business use or intended use is permitted. Business registration and potential change of use review will be necessary for new owners to complete.